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Sacramento Grow Green, funded by the City of Sacramento Cannabis Opportunity Reinvestment and Equity (CORE) program, is a program created to assist individuals and communities who are facing barriers to starting cannabis businesses due to the historical disparate enforcement of cannabis crimes.

New business opportunities are emerging with the legalization of cannabis. Creating pathways for establishing new cannabis businesses and supporting the transition of existing cannabis businesses into the legal market supports the City’s goals of aiding small business development.


Sacramento Grow Green is a conscious effort to provide the business plan development, training, mentoring, and support necessary to ensure that the emerging cannabis market is accessible to all.


If you are interested in learning more about the program or enrolling in the curriculum, please fill out the form below.

Preferred Contact Method

Interest & Eligibility

I am interested in participating in the Sacramento Grow Green Program as a(n):
I current own or co-own a cannabis business
I am interested In

The following are descriptions of the classifications eligible to participate in the Program:

Classification 1

Lives in a low-income household and:

  • Was arrested for cannabis-related crime between 1980 and 2011, or

  • An immediate family member


Classification 2

Lived in a low-income household in the following zip codes for 5 consecutive years between 1980 and 2011: 95811, 95815, 95817, 95820, 95823, 96824, 95826, 95828, 95818, 95838 and 95832



Classification 3

Business with no less than 51% ownership by Classifications 1 and 2 individuals


Classification 4

CORE Program Incubator


Classification 5

Cannabis Social Enterprise with no less than 51% ownership by Classifications 1 and 2 individuals

I am eligible to participate as

How to Verify Eligibility

An applicant shall provide the following with its application for the program, in addition to any other documentation that the City deems necessary to determine the applicant’s eligibility:


a. Proof of Income: Proof of income shall be supported with federal and state income tax returns and at least one of the following documents from the last five (5) years: two months of pay stubs; proof of currently eligibility for General Assistance, food stamps, Medi-Cal/CalWORKS, supplemental security income, or social security disability, or similar documentation.


b. Proof of Residency: Proof of residency shall be supported by a minimum of two of the following documents: California driver’s license or identification card records, property tax billings, and payments, signed rental agreement, verified copies of state or federal tax returns with an address in the geographic area of the city of Sacramento, school records, medical records, banking records, Sacramento Housing Authority records, or utility, cable, or internet company billing and payment records.


c. Proof of arrest or conviction of a cannabis-related crime: Proof of an arrest or conviction of a cannabis-related crime shall be demonstrated by federal or state court records indicating the disposition of the criminal matter, records expungement documentation, or any other applicable law enforcement record.



Please upload these documents below or mail to:

Sacramento Grow Green, 2331 Alhambra Blvd, Suite 100, Sacramento CA 95817

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General program benefits may include but are not limited to: business plan development, business mentoring, coaching on access to capital, business needs assessment, loan readiness assessment, market assessment, data and research strategies and support, assistance with establishing a legal entity, assistance with criminal record expungement, lease negotiation assistance, small business legal considerations, mentoring, fiscal management, marketing/social media, technical training, employee training, and regulatory compliance.


A CORE Program participant shall be entitled to receive the following benefits based on the applicable Classification:


A. Classifications 1, 2, 3 & 5: Participants shall receive the following:

a. All support services offered under the program,

b. The City will provide priority processing of the participant’s cannabis-related business and conditional use permits,

c. The fee for the participant’s cannabis-related business permit is waived by the City,

d. The City will provide priority to participant’s for storefront cannabis dispensary lotteries procedures as will be adopted by the City Council, and

e. Admittance into the program shall be deemed to satisfy the neighborhood responsibility plan requirement under Sacramento City Code section 17.228.920


B. Classification 4: Participants shall receive the following:

a. Qualified and ready CORE participants to host,

b. The City will provide priority processing of the participant’s cannabis-related business and conditional use permits

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No Longer Accepting Program Applications

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The Sacramento Asian-Pacific Chamber of Commerce and the Sacramento Grow Green Program hosts workshops that utilize subject matter experts but do not make recommendations to utilize their services. We refer participants of the CORE Program to various service providers. While we strive to make the information in the workshops as accurate as possible, the Chamber makes no claims, promises, or guarantees about the accuracy, completeness, or adequacy of the contents of this list of service providers, and expressly disclaims liability for errors and omissions in the contents of the list. No warranty of any kind, implied, expressed, or statutory, including but not limited to the warranties of non-infringement of third party rights, title, merchantability, or fitness for a particular purpose, is given with respect to the contents of this list of service providers. The Chamber does not guarantee the accuracy of the information concerning any service provider. The Chamber does not license, endorse, or recommend any particular service provider, nor do we make any judgment about the quality of services given by any service provider. Reference in this list to any specific service or service provider, or the use of any trade, firm or corporation named is for the information and convenience of the participants of the CORE Program, and does not constitute endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the Chamber.  Consequently, we urge participants of the CORE Program to interview a service provider and to check the service provider’s references carefully before hiring or using the services of a service provider.

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